2020 Autumn CEEB Report
2020 1Q Prayer Update
2019 Balkan Regional Conference
2019 Conference in Slovakia
2019 Conference in Romania
2019 Central Europe Report
2019 Balkan Report
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2021 CEEB blending conference
On April 30 to May 2, the Spring Central and Eastern Europe and Balkans Blending Conference with the subject The Genuine Church Life, took place. There were four messages translated into 10 Central, Eastern and Blakan European languages. Besides the ministry meetings the saints enjoyed the blending during two afternoon small group meetings for overflow and also through attending a special fellowship conducted in a questions and responses format at the “dining table” with subjects reflecting the present situation in the churches and society in general. Approximately 900 saints from 60 countries and more than 200 localities around the globe joined the blending conference to receive a very relevant and suitable word from the Lord.
Praise the Lord for this opportunity to blend and enjoy the rich speaking of the Lord together with so many saints from all different parts of the Earth!

May 2021
- In Łódź, the third largest city in Poland located in the center of the country, a small group of believers (six brothers and six sisters) have been meeting together for over two years. Not having been able to meet physically for the past 12 months, this May they have started to meet on Tuesdays in a rented hall. On Thursdays they have been reading the Gospel of John online together. The saints joined the nearby church in Piotrków Trybunalski for a recent conference and training.
- n Wrocław, fourth largest city in Poland located in the southwestern part of the country, the Lord has recently stirred up some seeking ones to take the way of the Lord’s recovery and has given them a desire to raise up a local church in this key city. The cluster of those who enjoy and appreciate the ministry, and who stay in contact with the saints from the Lord’s recovery is growing.
- Beginning in February, through fellowship and coordination with the brothers from the local churches, Rhema has carried out a series of online Bible seminars. There were 2400 invitations sent out to readers of the three sets of the ministry books provided by Rhema. Additionally, 800-900 readers have been called before the three seminars. Of these numbers, 40 readers have participated in at least one of the seminars with a number of saints from the local churches also joining the events. Around 20 of those readers are in regular contact with the saints through regional study groups or individual contact, with about 10 in particularly close contact with the saints. One of these readers has been baptized.
- More than 100 saints from 7 local churches have participated in the recent Crystallization Study of Job, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes Video Training.
- In April another semi-annual online meeting for the sisters took place, with 85 sisters getting into the ministry and fellowship on the subject: ‘The Function of the Sisters in the Church Life’. These sisters were joined by five Polish-speaking sisters from the UK, four from Germany, one from Israel, and 75 sisters from Poland itself participated in this time.
- At the beginning of May another Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans Blending Conference took place online with 186 saints from Poland registering for this rich time of the Lord’s speaking and blending.
- On May 20th saints in Warsaw conducted another online monthly gospel meeting to which they invited their relatives, friends and neighbors. The meetings were watched via Zoom and on YouTube with an average of 45-50 connections.
- During the pandemic the children’s meetings needed to be carried out online, this turned out to be a real blessing as the saints reached out to many places where there were no regular children’s meetings before. The Lord is using these meetings to also take care of the children and their parents who are not in the Lord’s Recovery – these meetings have become a kind of a large neighborhood children’s meeting for the saints in Poland.
Praise the Lord for His move in Poland!

May 2021
Due to strict measures taken to curb the pandemic both in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, the church meetings have continued mainly through Zoom. The saints in these two countries have used these opportunities to blend together. They recently attended the video training together and on the following 12 consecutive Lord’s days they blended during the Lord’s Table and the prophesying meeting on the subject of the training. Now, after the Spring CEEB conference the saints are continuing to blend in the meetings on Lord’s days with the new morning revival on The Genuine Church Life.
The outreach in both countries has continued mainly through Facebook and the local LSM and Rhema websites. Every week there are a number of physical free books mailed to the seekers who found the Rhema advertisement online. While the restrictions mitigate, the saints in Bratislava, Slovakia continue to contact and shepherd the new ones personally and on a corporate basis through the weekly study of the whole New Testament with a group of seeking Christians from various backgrounds. With the view of the outreach, the saints are carrying out the printing of Gospel tracts and are preparing new tracts reflecting the present situation and the need.
The saints also continue with the children’s and young people meetings, and if the pandemic situation will stay favorable, the saints from Slovakia and Czechia will organize another children’s camp and young people’s conference this year.
The regular monthly blending of the saints from Slovakia and Czechia with the saints from Vienna, Austria continues via Zoom. The saints enjoy the online Lord’s Table and the prophesying together.
Praise the Lord for His ceaseless care and continual move.

May 2021
The saints in Budapest, Hungary have been endeavoring to enter into the practice of the vital groups (the ministry book by this title was also recently published in Hungarian). There have been regular prayer times in two’s and three’s for fruit-bearing and the Lord is bringing new ones into contact with the saints for shepherding. Most of the contacts are dear believers who are unsatisfied in Christianity. The saints have also been greatly encouraged by the Spring CEEB Conference, entitled The Genuine Church Life. May the Lord have His way to raise up the genuine church life in Budapest and add many more to it.
Meetings in person were resumed on Lord’s days for a few months, but stricter regulations caused the saints to have meetings online again during another pandemic wave. Throughout the time however, small groups were still allowed to meet in person. Thus, the saints are increasingly being built up through prayers by phone, small meetings in person in homes, and bigger meetings online.
In May 2021, the church in Budapest had their first video training (The Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes). The seven saints participating in the training were filled with the enjoyment of the Lord and their enjoyment overflowed to the other saints. Three messages of the training were open meetings which the whole church watched together on three consecutive Lord’s days.

May 2021
Since the last update in Autumn 2020, the saints in Romania have continued blending virtually with one another and participating in online conferences and trainings. They enjoyed blending regionally with the saints during the CEEB conference in Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 and enjoyed blending with all of Europe during the online conferences in October and April. The saints also joined the November Online One Week Training held by Amana Trust with others from Europe. In late January and early February, the saints also held the second semi-annual online December video training of the Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.
Also, two sisters from Romania are currently supported by the churches to attend the two-year Full-time Training in London.
Starting soon, through Curentul Vietii, there will be an free online distribution by request of the English New Testament Recovery Version.
We pray that the Lord would spread His Word and Ministry into many places in Romania. And The New Testament will be read by many Romanians who also speak the English Language.

May 2021
During the pandemics the saints in Croatia and Serbia have been meeting regularly physically and via Zoom, or Google Meet. Due to the restrictions, the churches in Zagreb, Novi Sad, Hvar, Split, and Pula have been meeting in smaller groups up to five people. Sometimes even up to ten if the circumstances allowed. The elderly and ill would join via Zoom.
The saints continued steadfastly in prayer, in the reading of the Ministry, and shepherding the few new ones who came recently into these various localities. There is a need for more blending with the rest of the saints in Central and Eastern Europe, so we would ask the Body to pray for this.
There is a new development in the city of Pula, a former Roman city with an amphitheater which began to be built in AD 2 under Augustus Octavian and was finished under Titus in AD 81, the same Titus who destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70.
In the city of Pula. There are seven saints and six children meeting regularly in this city, with a view to have the Lord’s table in the coming year or two.
There are three lampstands in the Serbo-Croatian speaking world in three cities: Zagreb and Split in Croatia, and Novi Sad in Serbia.
Soon the saints in this region are planning to have a series of weekend Zoom webinars for readers of the free books provided by Rhema. They will contact the recipients of the seven books in all the former countries of the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia) with a view to gain more people for the Lord’s economy and more lampstands in the area. This covers a large area from Austria and Italy in the northwest down to Bulgaria and Greece in the southeast.
The fellowship among the brothers and sisters who will support the webinars is very sweet and life-imparting.
May the Lord gain the Balkan peninsula for His final move to end the age and usher in His kingdom.

May 2021
Our most encouraging report is that the Rhema set in Albanian is now available in both electronic format and as printed books. We have two small groups of fours and fives meeting during the weekdays enjoying the Rhema books. The Rhema books have really enriched our fellowship, and provided the necessary food to care for the new ones. Through our endeavoring to get into the books we also noticed how important it is to have the proper atmosphere and the proper relationship in the church life so that the saints can be lead to the water of rest and enjoy the ministry. Practically this means if we want the saints to enjoy the ministry we need to really love them, we need to really care for them, to consider them and pray for them. We praise the Lord the ministry of the age is not a set of teaching or doctrines but a ministry of life that brings us into the genuine church life.
The church life in Tirana is still very young, we need much prayer, much blending, we need patterns of those who know how to enjoy the Lord through His word and patterns of those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. We praise the Lord for what He is doing in Tirana and what He will do in all the cities in Albania.

May 2021
By the Lord’s all-sufficient grace, during the pandemic the saints in Bulgaria have been meeting almost on a daily basis via Zoom and in person at the newly purchased meeting hall in Sofia. The church in Sofia has also been participating in the seven annual feasts and some of the Amana Trust events.
In November 2020, the ministry books provided by Rhema became available in Bulgarian at the Rhema website, and through the Rhema advertisement on Facebook, the ministry of the age has reached hundreds of Bulgarian-speaking seeking ones. In addition to the seven Bulgarian LSM publications, which the local saints have been enjoying, there will be another 15 LSM titles that will be printed by the end of the Summer and will become available for sale through local bookstores and the Bulgarian LSM website.
In March a couple moved to Sofia and another family with two children from London will be moving here in July for the testimony of Jesus. We are looking to the Lord to build up the saints together as the local expression of His universal Body through the corporate God-man living and the God-ordained way, being carried out by the vital groups, for the accomplishment of His New Testament economy.

May 2021
There are about 20 saints throughout Greece meeting together on the Lord’s day by Zoom. In addition, there are also four or five small group meetings during the week. These meetings have sustained and encouraged the saints throughout the limitations of the restrictions due to the pandemic, and have even allowed many saints to participate in further opportunities for blending and getting into the ministry. Notable among these were the spring conferences in London and the recent CEEB. We are thankful that these conferences were available in the Greek language and were able to join our brothers and sisters throughout the earth to hear the Lord’s up to date speaking!