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On September 11 to 13 the Online Central and Eastern Europe and Balkans Blending Conference with the subject The Consummation of the age and the coming of the Lord, took place. There were five messages translated into 10 Central, Eastern and Blakan European languages. Besides the ministry meetings the saints enjoyed the blending during the two afternoon small group meetings for overflow. Saints from approximately 42 countries and 159 cities around the globe registered to join the conference.
Praise the Lord for this opportunity to blend and enjoy the rich speaking of the Lord together with so many saints from all different parts of the Earth!

September 2020
The saints in Poland enjoyed the first ever online video training which took place in the cities of Elblag, Warsaw and a corporate gathering among the churches in Opole, Sosnowiec and Krakow.
A Zoom conference for Polish-speaking sisters also took place for the first time. They enjoyed very much listening to a few messages and loved the group times. The total number of registered sisters was 93 and included sisters from Poland, the UK, Israel, Russia and Germany.
The saints also conducted the international online conference in Poland. It was a wonderful time in the recent ministry of the Word of God with the saints from many countries.
After a long period of no physical meetings, three churches in the South-West of Poland gathered together on a recent Lord’s Day to enjoy the divine transfers of four saints from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the Son of His love. Praise the Lord for HIs move in Poland!

September 2020
Throughout the pandemic, the meetings in Slovakia and the Czech Republic have continued mainly through Zoom. During the months of daily meetings on Zoom, the saints were able to pray the prayers of the Body and for the Body. Through the continual prayer and shepherding the Lord was able to recover nearly all of the saints who had become backslidden or lukewarm during the last several years.
Some new ones were brought to the church life and several of the saints were baptized recently. The outreach has continued mainly through Facebook and the local LSM websites. Thanks to the online meetings all the saints in Slovakia and Czech Republic are being blended and mutually vitalized as never before.
The saints still continue in their prayers and also in shepherding in twos and threes either online or on a personal basis. In Slovakia, there are still five Zoom meetings during the week, where the saints from the whole country meet together for ministry reading, prayer and fellowship. There are also many personal meetings in small groups, locality by locality, so the saints are experiencing the day by day church life in simplicity. Praise the Lord for His ceaseless care and continual move.

September 2020
The saints in Budapest, Hungary are corporately entering into the practice of the vital groups, which has become a source of much mutual enjoyment and encouragement. Though still in the very early stages, the saints are eager to learn and are endeavoring to practice according to the brothers’ perfecting.
Meetings in person have resumed on the Lord’s day and saints are regularly gathering online and in each other’s homes during the week. A sweet family atmosphere is being built up among the saints, full of joy and mutuality.
Prayer in twos and threes is also becoming more regular and they have been encouraged to pray specifically for fruit-bearing. The saints are looking to the Lord for increase in His way and timing.

September 2020
Just before the pandemic lockdown began, a mini-conference was held in Cluj – Napoca, Romania on 14-15th March. Many local saints were gathered together for a time of blending and fellowship among the churches. During that weekend, the saints enjoyed and digested messages from the Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy.
In June, because of the pandemic, the saints in Romania held their first online conference. The saints were able to participate in the messages from the Memorial Day Conference and be under the up-to-date speaking of ‘A Timely Word concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Recovery.’
In August, the saints held the first online video training of the Crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations.
Also, two sisters from Romania are currently supported by the churches to attend the two year Full- Time Training in London. Praise the Lord for His Recovery, and for making it practical for the saints throughout Romania to be in the conferences and training and under the Lord’s current and fresh speaking!

September 2020
After a short time of meeting through Zoom, the saints from Croatia and Serbia have resumed physical meetings in their localities. They continue to meet during the week in the church meetings and also in contacting the new ones. The saints in Zagreb, Split, Osijek and Hvar, Croatia and Novi Sad, Serbia continue to meet for the reading of the ministry, for fellowship, prayer and Lord’s Table.
After many years of prayer and remote shepherding of the saints in Pula, Croatia the Lord was able to recover some of the saints in that city. For the purpose of shepherding and taking care of the new situation in Pula a couple moved from Zagreb, Croatia to Pula.
The Lord is taking care of His interests and His move to the cities in Croatia by also adding a number of new ones. We hope through the continual shepherding and the prayer of the Body the new families and their contacts will be fully gained for the Lord and the church-life.

September 2020
The saints in Tirana, Albania, have been recently enjoying a line from one of our favorite songs.
“Finding joy and pleasure, in abounding measure, we are drinking at the fountain of life.” (Hymn 322) The saints are very happy to announce that the seven free ministry books distributed by Rhema are now available for download in the Albanian language. May the Lord use these books to gain all His seekers in Albania!

September 2020
Prior to the lockdown, the saints were distributing the Recovery Version of the Bible and the first volume of The Basic Elements of the Christian Life at the university campus and by the students’ dormitories.
During the lockdown, the saints endeavoured to reach out to the seeking ones in Bulgaria through online advertisement, mainly on Facebook. Within the last few months, three young brothers got baptised and began to meet with the saints.
Despite the pandemic, thanks to the Lord’s faithfulness and the provision in His Body, the saints were able to purchase a meeting hall near Sofia University and the saints’ homes. Since then, the local saints have been meeting regularly, functioning in a mutual way in all the meetings and taking care of the meeting hall.
Furthermore, the first few LSM titles have been printed in Bulgarian, and the free ministry literature distributed by Rhema have become available on the website.
A couple of months ago the saints in Bulgaria began to read corporately The Economy of God in the weekly home meetings. We are praying that all the saints will be constituted with the ministry of the age and will receive a governing vision of God’s economy unto the organic building up of the church in Sofia and the Lord’s testimony in Bulgaria.

September 2020
The brothers and sisters in Greece are very thankful to the Lord and His Body for His care for the country of Greece during this latest period of time.
Prior to the outbreak of the global pandemic, the saints in Greece had been enjoying a house to house church life. Like all the saints throughout the earth they also were affected by the measures enacted by the governmental officials to stem the spread of the virus. But hallelujah Grace abounded!
Many of the saints participated in an online conference for the first time during the combined CEE and BLK conference.
Additionally, although they were not able to send out physical books during the pandemic, there was a noticeable increase in electronic downloads for the free ministry materials distributed by Rhema. Praise the Lord for His supply, and even though the numbers of the saints in Greece are small, they look to Him to increase them with “…men like a flock!” (Ezek. 36:37)